50% of the global temperature increase since 1951 is to be attributed to human activity 😱 (these are the more favourable estimates for us, there are also some that attribute a responsibility of 90% to us ❗)
The global rise in temperatures, the scarcity of resources and the increasing unpredictability of the energy market make the development of RES a necessity.
On 28 November, we invite you to a conference dedicated to renewable energy sources in machine drives.
On the programme::
- presentations by TAIR students on renewable energy sources
- presentations by students of scientific circles from Lodz University of Technology
- networking with industry representatives.
Start 10.00 AM
22G Tymienieckiego St. Headquarter of Lodz Special Economic Zone
Registration: https://forms.office.com/e/LrYcXrvawZ
The conference is organised as part of the project co-financed by the EEA Funds.